Well hello there! I am so thrilled that I have caught your attention. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Selene. I am 28-years old and recently obtained my Master's Degree. Can you guess in what? ? ?
I like to describe myself as a softly kinky little minx. I adore the soft whispers and moans that organically happen when exploring each other. Touselled hair, mussed bedsheets, ? lipstick smears on the pillowcases... Heavenly.
I am new to this exploration of myself, but whole-heartedly enjoying every last drop of it. I am elated to meet new friends and suitors and expand my horizons.
I am pleased to pieces while enjoying the Met and Michellin Star cuisine, but I am just as thrilled to go trekking through the hills and picnicking quietly alone.
I will add that I truly and deliciously enjoy a true gentleman. When I receive correspondence from a potential lover, nothing gives me the tingles more than when it is well written, articulate, cute/funny/anecdotal, but above all else, RESPECTFUL!
I am far more interested in who you are and what's going on inside. "Good looks" are all in the eye of the beholder, and I prefer the inner tiger! So, where you be David Beckham's total clone or you are Danny DeVito's long-lost identical twin (actually DeVito or Ahhhnold - just a little movie humor), isn't what makes me get all riled up. So, be proud and love yourself! THAT IS SEXY {Purrrr?}! Just a little tidbit about me!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @TheSeleneDevi
Carnal Desires Acquisition
? 1-Hour | $600 | $250 Deposit Required {ONLY AVAILABLE ON TOUR}
⏰ 90-Minutes | $800 | $250 Deposit Required
? 2-Hours | $1,000 | $300 Deposit Required {PREFERRED FOR NEW LOVERS}
? 3-Hours | $1,500 | $375 Deposit Required
? 4-Hours | $1,800 | $450 Deposit Required
? 5-Hours | $2,300 | $575 Deposit Required
? 6-Hours | $2,800 | $700 Deposit Required
? 8-Hours | $3,200 | $1,600 Deposit Required
? 12-Hours | $4,200 | $2,100 Depos
Call or text now at +17866275004, or email me at [email protected].
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